Getting Girls and Women into Manufacturing and Engineering

Dr Kirsty Clode, Chair of Women into Manufacturing and Engineering describes her passion for STEM, the benefits of a diverse team and why she is applying her 26 years’ experience managing teams within a major global multi-billion dollar business to help meet create greater aspiration and opportunity for girls and women in the Humber area.
Dr Kirsty Clode, Chair of Women into Manufacturing and Engineering describes her passion for STEM, the benefits of a diverse team and why she is applying her 26 years’ experience managing teams within a major global multi-billion dollar business to help meet create greater aspiration and opportunity for girls and women in the Humber area.
Lack of female capability in STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) careers is recognised to be a UK wide problem, women only make up 1 in 8 roles in STEM - worst in Europe – in this podcast Dr Kirsty Clode describes why this is a challenge she is taking on.
Building on her proven success in managing Onshore and Offshore midstream operations in the US and Petrochemical operations in the UK. Dr Clode is channelling her passion for engaging staff using Continuous Improvement methodologies and developing STEM talent in our global industry as the Chair of into Manufacturing and Engineering (WiME).
WiME is a business led programme which works in collaboration with Green Port Hull, the National Careers Service and the local Jobcentreplus team. They work with Humber businesses in the Manufacturing and Engineering sectors who are proactively seeking to employ more women. Current employers involved with the programme are Siemens, Airco, Swift, ABP, Group Atlantic, BP and Spencer Group with whom they help understand the opportunities they offer to women and run events to inspire women and girls to join this workforce.
Follow Dr Kirsty Clode on Twitter @KirstyClode
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